The GSMD Club marked its 10th Anniversary 0n the 24th November 2018 with a Swissmas Party held at Overseal in Derbyshire. There were over 20 Swissies and their families present from all over the country. Special recognition was given to Cynthia Bailey and Sheila Tickle who were made Honorary Life Members of the club in recognition of all their work, not only in forming the club, but also supporting it over the past 10 years.

Cynthia & Sheila were one of the first people to import a Swissy into the UK with Didi, 'Didrik from Balihara Ranch at Alpencrest'. Didi was a great ambassador for the breed and was well trained in both obedience and carting. Sheila and Cynthia recognised the need for a Breed Club and set about arranging the first meeting of the proposed breed club. They became founder members when the club was formed and recognised by the kennel club. They were fundamental in getting the club off the ground and were keen to promote the working aspect of the Swissy with Carting, Agility ,Obedience , Herding and Character Assessments. The committee and members wish to extend their huge thanks to Cynthia and Sheila and all of you who came and helped and joined in the fun to make the day so special.