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Updated: Feb 8, 2020

Following the sad passing of Julia Swinburn her funeral will take place at 12:30pm on Friday 21st February at St. Peters Church,Church Bank, Binton, near Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 9TN. Family flowers only please. Donations will be gifted between 3 dog welfare's namely - Dalmations, Kooikerhondje and Great Swiss Mountain Dogs.


It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Julia Swinburn, a founder member of the GSMD club, has passed away.

She had been admitted to hospital as a precaution, after a fall on Thursday evening, and was expecting to be home after the weekend but sadly this was not to be and she died early on Saturday.

Julia had been involved with dogs all of her life and was instrumental in introducing new breeds to this country, notably Hamiltonstovares from Sweden, Kookerhunjies from the Netherlands and then GSMDs most recently. She had owned and bred Dalmatians for over 50 years and was a source of much information on all things canine. She has judged many times in this country and also all over the world and was much respected by many.

She will be missed immeasurably by many people and as a club we pass on our sincere condolences to her husband Peter at this very sad time.

Further details will be released when they are available...

Eric Russell

Chairman GSMD Club


The GSMD Club Calendar is now available at £10 +pp each. The calendar will be on sale at the Swissmas Party on 23rd November or available from Sue Brailey at Thank you to all who contributed photos, nearly 200, with as many as possible of the winning entries being included. The overall winning photo with the most votes was Milo by Iona Duckett who features on the front cover.

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